Tuesday, March 20, 2012

By Paulo Coelho

Existem certas horas em que a paciência – por mais difícil que seja – é a única maneira de suportar determinados problemas. A famosa história a seguir ilustra bem a virtude de saber esperar:
Duas rãs caíram dentro de uma jarra de leite. Uma era grande e forte, mas impaciente – e confiando na sua forma física, lutou a noite inteira, debatendo-se para escapar.
A outra rã era pequena e frágil. Como sabia que não teria energia para lutar contra seu destino, resolveu entregar-se. Com suas patas, fez apenas os movimentos necessários para manter-se na superfície, sabendo que cedo ou tarde iria morrer.
“Quando não se pode fazer nada, nada se deve fazer” pensava ela.
E assim as duas passaram a noite – uma na tentativa desesperada de salvar-se, a outra aceitando com tranqüilidade à idéia da morte.
Exausta com o esforço, a rã maior não agüentou e morreu afogada. A outra rã conseguiu boiar a noite inteira – e quando, na manhã seguinte, resolveu entregar- se, reparou que os movimentos de sua companheira haviam transformado o leite em manteiga.
Tudo o que teve de fazer foi pular para fora da jarra.

Friday, February 10, 2012

‎" The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead"
-Marilyn Monroe

Friday, February 3, 2012

Richard's Words

There used to be an individual who I used to communicate with and whom I still look up to highly, who once said the following statement which I recently came across with and I had to share:

"And then it happened, and verily, it happened for the first time! that his words blessed selfishness, the wholesome, healthy selfishness that springeth from the powerful soul."

Nietzsche teaches that there is nothing wrong with selfishness, and it is a form of guilt crafted by those who wish to manipulate. This life as you live is your own, and you must place your needs first and foremost. This does not mean you need to ignore the will of others, but you definitely need to give added weight to your own needs. Selfish itself is not a negative word when you break it down, but it has carried a negative connotation due to its misuse by people who want to corrupt its meaning.

Selfish - being of the self. Devoted to the self and the will of the self. What would happen if that very self was extraordinary? Then selfishness in this case would denote devotion towards an extraordinary will. There's nothing wrong with that so long as the will of the self remains virtuous."

Monday, January 30, 2012

Never Look Back.

We often make decisions, follow our instincts, or even just move forward with the fear that we might have chosen wrong but whatever our decisions are let's never look back and stay true to who we are. We know what we want, let's stick to those feelings for as desiderata states the universe is unfolding as it should. I have a few projects that I am working on and I will soon be updating on those. Have a wonderful week.



Billy Currington - Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right

This is dedicated to the man that will dedicate this song to me. (:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

In Memory of Etta James

A woman whose music will live a lifetime. Rest in Peace my friend, you left a legend behind.

Floor Project

So I decided to refinish the floor of my room as a summer project and intended to place it on my blog because I realized that taking up on projects makes my life a lot more meaningful and well that definitely is a startling simplicity. The startling feeling of how fulfilled a simple project can make you definitely brings to what I would like to contribute to my blog. I decided to put more projects in my blog to add simple things that are startling.

Well this is how I started the project, by sanding the already fainted stain on the floor.

A lot of sanding with this tiny sander since I couldn't get an expensive one, but it did the job.

This is the pre-stain application that I applied.

Then the stain which wasn't too hard to apply.

The only help I got, which was actually company, hehe.

The final way it looked, I forgot to take a picture with the sealer which makes it the official end but it almost looks the same. The longest part of this project was the sanding and having to wait for it to dry, but it was definitely an interesting project to take upon. I have to say I am proud of myself for taking this project!