Friday, August 12, 2011

Who can resist a Mariachi?

Any Journey is a Pilmigrage

This statement was pulled from Paulo coelho's Blog.

What is the appeal of traveling and what do you receive from traveling? Are they reflected to your work? Please let us know what does traveling means to you (Eduard, Twitter)

I’m a pilgrim writer and that inevitably appears in the way my characters deals with space.
I’m in constant movement and very often I find that my characters need to equally find themselves in a journey.
I believe that we are constantly experiencing transformation and that’s why we need to let life guide us.

Every day is different, every day can have a magic moment, but we don’t see the opportunity, because we think: ‘Oh this is boring I’m just commuting to work.’
How many interesting people you are missing, just because our parents told us “don’t talk to strangers”?

You must get as much as you can from any journey, because – in the end – the journey is all you have. It doesn’t matter what you accumulate in terms of material wealth, because you are going to die anyway, so why not live?

You have to look at life itself is a pilgrimage. Therefore, start moving, start talking to strangers!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 1

Alright here it goes;

I haven't done this in a while so it feels weird spending time on the blog, however I know that it is what I need. Time writing here. I always said I would dedicate more time to my blog but I have miserably failed at that. I am seriously changing and turning this all around let see how this go. Here we go day 1. (:

Paul Baribeau Ten Things lyrics

I heard this song and I had to post it! I love it hahaha...

One October Morning: think of all the things that hold you back and rea...

One October Morning: think of all the things that hold you back and rea...: "think about all the mistakes you've made in your life and make sure you never repeat them I had a dream about this song."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Carla Morrison

My sister recently introduced me to Carla Morrison and personally I am in love with her voice.

What do you think?